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Adjusted the equation display for the Reacting Flow in Porous Media interface.

P30download comsol 5.1 how to#

  • A new Inkjet application demonstrates how to model the fluid flow of an inkjet nozzle, for instance, in a printer.
  • For the Ray Acoustics interface, corrected an error in the initialization of the wave vector of rays released by the Inlet node.
  • Resolves a problem with fixed charge Terminals in Electrostatics and Piezoelectric Devices in the Frequency Domain.
  • Fixed an issue in the Geometry Analysis for Multi-Turn Coils with Numeric settings.
  • Fixed a problem in Rotating Machinery, Magnetic with Gauge fixing and antiperiodic boundary conditions (sector symmetric models).
  • Correction and, in some cases, removal of non physical data for some materials in the Nonlinear Magnetic material library.
  • Resolves an issue with lost precision due to 4 digits, fix point representation in Touchstone file export.
  • Turning on and off the grid now works also when running in a web client.
  • Clicking Cancel to stop the launching of a running application now works as expected.
  • Fixed a problem with changing text color in tables for applications using the web client.
  • Fixed a problem with using the split() method with strings that contain backslashes.
  • Fixed a problem with too few allowed applications if a user account is simultaneously used on more than one computer.
  • Improves the performance with many users logged in.
  • Fallback features in contact pairs no longer override the Friction node.
  • p30download comsol 5.1

    Entering range expressions for the continuation parameters in a frequency study now works as expected.Fixes a problem with experiments sometimes being ignored during least-squares optimization.Corrected an issue when using the Previous Solution node to store the previous solution in transient studies when using the BDF solver.The option to zoom to extents now works correctly in image export.Non-ASCII characters now appear correctly in the Progress window.Fixed a problem with plotting material properties for materials under a material Switch node.It is now possible to perform time-dependent adaptive mesh refinement in 1D.It is now possible to open the Part Libraries window also when the ribbon is minimized.

    P30download comsol 5.1 update#

    Update Details for Update 2 (included in Update 3) COMSOL Multiphysics An initial value can now be set for the Lagrange multiplier that enforces a fixed deposited power.Solver suggestions for the Microwave Plasma interface have been corrected.Removed redundant postprocessing variables that appeared when a port-related simulation generated S-parameters.

    P30download comsol 5.1 license#

    If you have a license for any of the additional product listed below, please also download the corresponding update Product

    P30download comsol 5.1